FUE capillary surgery consists of extracting follicular units one by one, rather than in bulk, as happens in FUSS capillary transplant. It prevents the tiniest posterior linear scar but nevertheless it makes the surgery longer and more expensive.
The anaesthesia used in FUE capillary micro-transplant is the same as in the other technique. It is local, meaning it is only injected into the area to be worked.
After that, the incisions to extract the follicles are begun using a small cylindrical "punch" that varies between 0.9 and 0.7 mm in diameter. These incisions may be made with a manual system or a hydraulic system which makes the extraction quicker.
The follicular units are extracted one by one with special tweezers to not damage the structure and reduce its survival.
Some clinics consider that with FUE fewer staff are necessary than with the FUSS technique, but at Capilae, Dr Juan Ruiz Alconero thinks the opposite, since the number of people attending the surgery ensures a short period of time passes between the extraction and the implantation, lowering the time the units spend outside the body, and the time the patient is in the theatre.
With the “FUE Work Flow”® technique Dr Juan Ruiz Alconero has managed to reduce the interventions which only a few years ago were carried out in 2 days for a total of 2000 transplants, 2400 units may be implanted in 7 hours.
Once all the transplants have been extracted, the area is covered using a preparation of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors to reduce scarring time and reduce to risk of infections. The units are counted and prepared for the implantation.
The implantation is carried out with very small incisions of 0.8 or 0.9 mm in the donating area. The transplants are placed in the incisions one at a time, following the design agreed in advance between Dr Juan Ruiz Alconero and the patient.
Given the characteristic technique of FUE capillary transplant, your hair must be shaved to number 1, since it must be possible to put said hair in the microscopic punch, and with long hair it is difficult and not very effective. Ideally, the patient would have his hair cut the day before, and when he is in the clinic Dr Ruiz Alconero will assess whether it is necessary to shave any further depending on the type of hair, thickness and density.
The patient must refrain from drinking alcohol or taking medication that may interfere with platelet aggregation, such as ibuprofen, aspirin and their derivatives. He must also smoke tobacco as little as possible.
He must attend surgery having had breakfast, and remember that he must come with a shirt with buttons, and not a t-shirt or jersey.
On finishing the capillary transplant surgery with the FUE technique, Dr Ruiz Alconero will give the patient the medication and the special washing kit and he will explain the instructions to follow on the following days, as well as giving him it all in writing to make it all simpler.
The post-operation stage is rather easier than with the FUSS technique, since there is no suture.
The irritation are also slight on the first day.
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FUSS - FUE comparison
Benefits of FUSS capillary surgery
As a rule more follicular units are obtained (on average between 2300 and 2700 FUs, but it is possible to obtain as many as 4000).
Since it is faster (between 4-and-a-half and 5 hours on average) it is somewhat cheaper.
Drawbacks of FUSS capillary surgery
It leaves a scar at the back which, though it is imperceptible with long hair, impedes wearing hair shaved to number 1.
The resumption of sport is somewhat slower than with FUE.
Benefits of FUE capillary surgery
It does not leave a line scar at the back and therefore you can wear your hair shaved.
The resumption of sport is somewhat quicker than with the FUSS technique.
Drawbacks of FUE capillary surgery
Somewhat fewer follicular units are obtained than with FUSS (in general about 2200-2300 per intervention, though it is possible to reach 3000).
Since it takes longer than FUSS (about 7 hours) it is somewhat more expensive.